"Nachgedacht" - The Blog around topics of Leadership, Collaboration, Personal Growth, and Corporate Culture

This is where I write, infrequently, about sense and nonsense in the world of managers and consultants, things which occupy my mind, some serious, others funny and frank. The contributions are intended to entertain and to inspire further thoughts about the challenges managers have to face today – and tomorrow.

  • Down the Abyss with Startups? - 05/2020

    Down the Abyss with Startups? - 05/2020

    You can copy, but choose wisely. Today it's about survivors, verve, time bombs, tadpoles, Zumba lessons, and spring cleaning.   

  • Leadership and Acceptance - 07/2020

    Leadership and Acceptance - 07/2020

    Acceptance will make you a better Leader. Today it's about a paradox, Alcoholics Anonymous, Managers and Buddhas, waste of energy, Innovation, and composed engagement.   

  • Inner Structure, Outer Structure - 05/2020

    Inner Structure, Outer Structure - 05/2020

    The stronger your inner structure, the better you will stand outer structures crumbling.   

  • A Guide to Doom reloaded - 04/2020

    A Guide to Doom reloaded - 04/2020

    Ini a crisis your thoughts should go to the time after crisis. Today it's about the wrong reflexes. And about the stone age, neurological tests, overstrain, rancid smell, bad timing, manic-depressive organisations, and the upswing.   

  • Self organisation doesn't come just like that - 03/2020

    Self organisation doesn't come just like that - 03/2020

    Self organisation does not mean you don't have to do anything about it. About daredevilry, Bling-Bling, built-in problems, a short definition, a license to spruce, and and pixie dust.   

  • Inside Out - 01/2020

    Inside Out - 01/2020

    To want something and to arrange yourself with something are tow very different things. About fun-free working, living cell therapies, Holocracy, Ricardo Semler, earthquakes, bombing, the Eldorado, and sustainable development. Change Management Consulting and Change Facilitation in Zurich and Switzerland.   

recently with a pandazoom

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